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Blog - Creating your podcast website with WordPress

Creating your podcast website with WordPress

WordPress is a great solution for a podcast website due to its abundance of quality plugins specifically built for podcasts which feed your episodes through from your chosen podcast host. At Argon, we can help you decide where you will host your episodes and also install the right podcast plugin to feed those episodes through to your custom WordPress website.


Step 1: upload your episodes to a podcast hosting service

Once you have recorded your podcasts you will need to find a service to host the files. It is not recommended that you host these files on your website hosting account service as these files will be quite large—a website hosting service is designed primarily to serve up smaller text and image files. You will risk hitting your account storage limits and in addition these accounts typically cannot transfer large audio files quickly to multiple users. This means when a user tries to play the podcast they need to wait for the player to load the episode and may encounter buffering issues. This can lead to a poor user experience which will end up costing you followers.

What’s a podcast hosting service?

A podcast hosting service is a middleman between you and your audience. The service generates an RSS feed when you load episodes to your account. You will then use the RSS feed link to connect your account to your website. This RSS feed can also be added to services like Spotify, Apple Podcast and Google Play as well as other podcast directories so users can also play your episodes on them as well.

There are many different podcast hosting services out there—here is a list of the top ones.

Step 2: install a podcast plugin

The main function of a podcast plugin is to feed in your podcast episodes from your RSS feed link. There are many options to use, but some of the most recommended ones can be found here. You may also be influenced by where you host your podcasts as some of these sites have their own WordPress plugins. For example, is a podcast hosting service and it also has its own WordPress plugin so it would make sense to use that one should you host with Libsyn already.

If you would like to build a podcast website please get in touch with the team at Argon and we can help turn your idea into a reality.

Give us a call on 08 8223 3099 or email to start the conversation ðŸ™‚

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